Ultimate List of 150+ Yellow Snack Foods for a Color Party
Have you seen the color party trend on TikTok and want to know what to bring? Making a Color Basket of snacks to take to a friend? Well, we have compiled the largest and most complete list of snack foods that are yellow in color and or yellow in packaging.
This list is broken down into different categories to make it easier to find what you are looking for! We hope this exhaustive list of yellow snack options is exactly what you need to host or attend the next Color Party.

Chips, Pretzels, and Crackers
- Lay’s Classic Chips
- Slim Jims (yellow packaging)
- Funyuns
- Snyder’s pretzels (yellow packaging)
- Frito’s
- Utz Potato Chips (yellow packaging)
- Cheddar and Sour Cream Goldfish
- Pringles Mexican Street Corn chips
- Wheat Thins (yellow packaging)
- Made Good puffed cheddar crackers
- Lance Captain’s Wafers Peanut Butter & Honey Flavor
- Rice Crackers
- Ritz Crackers
- Keebler Club & Cheddar crackers
- Cheez-Its White Cheddar crackers
- Garden of Eatin’ yellow chips
- Calidad Yellow Corn Tortilla Chios
- Sun Chip’s Monterey Jack & Garden Tomato flavor
- Rold Gold pretzels (yellow packaging)
- Hippeas Chickpea Puffs
- Yellow Yogurt covered pretzels
- Honey Mustard Pretzels
- Veggie Straws

Nuts, Seeds, & Popcorn
- Corn Nuts
- Sunflower Seeds
- Skinny Pop popcorn
- Pirate Booty puff corn
- Boom Chicka Pop (yellow packaging)
- Wise Butter Popcorn
- ACT II butter lovers popcorn
- Pop Secret Double Butter flavor
- Crunch N Munch
- Hummus
- Honey Roasted Chickpeas

Candies & Fruit Snacks
- Rasinets (yellow packaging)
- Sour Patch Kids (yellow packaging)
- Juicy Fruit gum
- Butterfingers
- Fruit Gushers (yellow packaging)
- Peanut M&Ms
- Brightside Skittles (yellow packaging)
- Starburst (yellow packaging)
- Fig Newtons (yellow packaging)
- Lemon Crisp KitKats
- Swedish Fish (yellow packaging)
- Yellow Dum-Dum lollipops
- Lemon Heads candies
- Krabby Patties gummies
- Welch’s Fruit Snacks (yellow packaging)
- Trident Pineapple
- DOTS candy (yellow packaging)
- Now and Laters Banana Flavor
- Sugar Daddies (yellow packaging)
- Charleston Chew (yellow packaging)
- Hi-Chew candy (yellow packaging)
- Yellow Peeps
- Brach’s Candy Corn
- Lemon Head candies
- Yellow Watermelon
- Yellow Gumballs
- Pineapple Fruit Leather
- Twizzlers Filled Twists
- Yellow Rock Candy Lollipops
- Yellow Jelly Beans
- Pineapple Cotton Candy
- Banana Laffy Taffy
- Pineapple Salsa
- Dried Pineapple Chunks

Cookies and Such
- Keebler Fudge Stripes (yellow packaging)
- Grandma’s Peanut Butter Cookies
- Belvita breakfast sandwiches
- Keebler Chips Deluxe cookies (yellow packaging)
- Lorna Doone cookies
- Barnum’s Animal Crackers
- Golden Oreos
- Nilla Wafers
- Honey Flavored Teddy Grahams
- Lemon Moon Pies
- Lemon Zest Luna Minis
- Frosty Lemon Archway cookies
- Hostess Iced Lemon cup cakes
- Pepperidge Farm Chessman butter cookies
- Great Value/ Walmart Lemon Sandwich cookies
- Pop Tarts Frosted Maple or Lemon Creme Pie flavors
- Hostess Baby Bundts
- Tasty Cakes lemon flavored mini donuts
- Tasty Cakes Krimpets
- Banana Twinkies
- Nutty Buddy bars (yellow packaging)
- Hostess Zingers
- Entenmann’s butter pound cake or yellow lemon loaf cake
- Bimbo mini vanilla cakes
- Little Debbie Happy Camper cakes
- Little Debbie Banana Twins
- Lemon Poppyseed Muffins
- Yellow Macarons
- Sara Lee Frosted Banana Cake
- Lemon-flavored Rice Krispie treats
- Lemon-flavored biscotti
- Banana Mini Muffins
- Butter Ring Cookies

Drinks (Non-Alcoholic)
- Minute Maid Lemonade Drops
- Tangerz Lemon Lime Salt
- Pineapple Fanta
- Jarritos Pineapple
- Crush Pineapple
- Great Value/ Walmart Pineapple Soda
- Goya Pineapple Soda
- San Pellegrino Limonata
- Mello Yello
- KoolAid Lemonade
- Minute Maid Lemonde drinks
- Carnation Breakfast Essentials (yellow packaging)
- Monster Rehab Tea Lemonade energy drink
- Nesquick (yellow packaging)
- Yellow Snow-Cones
- Lemon-flavored iced tea
- Pineapple-infused water
- Pineapple-coconut smoothies

Drinks (Alcoholic)
- Simple Spiked Lemonade
- Michelob Ultra Pure Gold Lager
- Absolut Citron
- Alize pineapple flavor
- Twisted Tea (yellow packaging)
- 99 Bananas
- Jose Cuervo
- Mike’s Hard Lemonade
- Corona
- Samuel Adams Summer Ale
- Sun Pop Lemonade Moscato wine
- MD 20/20 Orange Jubilee

Cereals & Granolas
- Kellog’s Corn Pops
- Post Honey Combs
- Cheerios
- Kix original flavor
- Cap’n Crunch
- Golden Crisp
- Peep’s Cereal
- Golden Grahams
- Frosted Lemon Cheerios
- Honey Bunches of Oats almond flavor
- Post Waffle Crisps
- Nature Valley Almond Clusters
- Honey Bunches of Oats Granola Chips
- Kind Healthy Grains (yellow packaging)

Ice Cream & Frozen Treats
- French’s Mustard Ice Cream
- Mayfield (yellow packaging)
- Van Leeuwen’s vanilla bean, lemon poppy seed muffin, and honeycomb flavors
- Tillamook Butter Pecan
- Minute Maid frozen lemonade
- Luigi’s Lemon flavor Italian Ice
- Blue Bell Banana Pops
- Outshine Pineapple Bars
- Popsicle brand (yellow packaging)
- Sour Patch frozen treats (yellow packaging)
- Dole Whip pineapple
- Eggo Frozen Waffles

Puddings and Such
- Lemon flavor Jell-o
- Lemon Pudding
- Vanilla Pudding
- Apricot Jell-o
- Butterscotch pudding
- Cheesecake flavored pudding

Yellow Snack Food/ Junk Food for a Color Party
We hope this list of fun foods helps you at your next color party if you are creating a color themed basket. If you’re looking for yellow desserts or yellow side dishes, we can help you with that too!